Ed Flanders Delivers TV's First Full Moon

On the season six St. Elsewhere episode "A Moon for the Misbegotten", the late, great Ed Flanders became the first actor to appear bare-assed on network prime time television. This is the first shot that lingered for about a second.

After a cutaway, this shot appears on the screen for about another second, before the moon is eclipsed by the closing credit for executive producers Bruce Paltrow and Mark Tinker.


  1. and here I thought NYPD Blue brought us the first TV butt.

  2. Me too. Not this old guy. Isnt he the old guy from Breaking Bad that rings the bell.

  3. My favorite show ever. Ed Flanders my favorite actor and character on the show. So many people would love to leave their job the way he did. I settled for getting in my car, rolling down my windows and blasting Take This Job and Shove It as I pulled out of the parking lot. This was an awesome show that will never be matched by the actors and the overall theme. As they say....they don’t make them like this anymore.☹️

  4. Great show, very accurate depiction of first day of internship by Steven Furst.


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